Anderson for Louisiana

The Issues

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On this page, you’ll find my policy positions for the 2025 Louisiana State Senate campaign. If you don’t see a position listed here that you care about, use the form below to submit a question and I’ll be sure to get back to you ASAP!

What I'll Fight For:

  • Raise Louisiana’s Minimum Wage: I will advocate for a state minimum wage above the federal level, indexed to inflation, ensuring that it reflects the true cost of living.
    • While we fight for passage in the legislature, we need to partner with local governments to support small businesses in adapting to wage increases through tax credits and incentives​.
  • Support Workers’ Rights: I will push for state legislation inspired by the PRO Act to strengthen union protections, criminalize union-busting, and enable gig workers to access benefits.
  • Local Business Empowerment: I will promote policies that reduce red tape for small businesses while safeguarding against corporate predation​.
  • Universal Access to High-Quality Education: I support equitable funding for public schools, targeting underserved areas to ensure that zip code does not determine educational quality.
  • Year-Round, Career-Oriented Schooling: I want to see pilot programs for 9-to-5, year-round school schedules that integrate vocational training, coding, and critical life skills to prepare students for modern economic demands.
  • Increase Teacher Pay and Support: I’ll advocate for higher wages and better professional development for educators to attract and retain top talent.
  • Justice for Cancer Alley: I pledge to hold polluters accountable and invest in monitoring and reducing emissions in communities disproportionately affected by industrial pollution.
  • A Just Transition to Clean Energy: I support developing retraining programs for workers in the fossil fuel industry and expand renewable energy projects to boost economic opportunities while reducing reliance on oil and gas.
  • Flood Control and Climate Infrastructure: We need to prioritize investment in levee systems, flood mitigation, and coastal restoration in line with the Louisiana Constitution’s mandates for public safety and environmental protection.
  • Reduce Crime Through Opportunity: The most proven way to actually reduce crime is to invest in job programs for marginalized and formerly incarcerated individuals, addressing root causes of crime.
  • Community-Centric Policing: I’ll push for statewide adoption of the Obama Administration’s 21st Century Policing recommendations, including increased pay and de-escalation training for officers.
  • Victim-Centered Justice: I’ll fight to streamline victim services and advocate for greater restorative programs that prioritize true rehabilitation while still holding offenders accountable.
  • Expand Medicaid and Healthcare Networks: I’ll continue to fight to maximize Medicaid expansion and partner with local systems to build healthcare hubs in rural and underserved areas.
  • Mental Health Investments: I’ll fight to fund local mental health facilities and incentivize professionals to serve in high-need areas.
  • Modernized Charity Hospitals: I believe we need to begin to lay the groundwork to revive a reimagined charity hospital system for universal access to basic healthcare.
  • Modernize Louisiana’s Tax Code: I believe we need to eliminate regressive loopholes and ensure corporations and high-income individuals contribute fairly.
  • Dedicate Revenues to Public Infrastructure: Louisiana needs to utilize dedicated funds to modernize and improve transportation, broadband, and public services.

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