Anderson for Louisiana

Making our Tax Code Make Sense

My policy position on reforming the tax code is founded on the principles of fairness and equity. It’s essential that we overhaul our current tax system to ensure that it serves the entire population justly, rather than favoring the wealthy few. A critical step in this direction is the removal of salary caps on taxes. It’s indefensible that individuals earning beyond a certain threshold contribute a smaller percentage of their income than those earning less. This policy aims to level the playing field by ensuring that all income is taxed in a fair and proportional manner.

Furthermore, closing tax loopholes is paramount. The existing tax code is riddled with exemptions and loopholes that disproportionately benefit the highest earners and large corporations. By eliminating these loopholes, we can ensure that the tax burden is distributed more equitably, preventing the wealthiest from exploiting the system to reduce their tax obligations.

Finally, it is imperative that the highest earners in our society are paying their fair share in federal income tax. This means not only adjusting the tax brackets to more accurately reflect the wealth distribution in our country but also ensuring that capital gains are taxed at a rate that reflects their impact on the economy.